rear ready for primer after repairs to render

10 Essential Tips for a Professional House Painting Job: Expert Advice to Transform Your Home

No matter your painting strategy – hiring professional help or doing it yourself – there are certain key points you need to keep in mind when approaching this task.

With that in mind, we enlisted the expertise of some of our experts on the top ten tips they share for conducting professional house painting jobs.

Prep work is key to creating an impeccable finish on any painting project, so follow these expert recommendations for ensuring it goes off without a hitch.

Mastering the Art of House Painting: 10 Expert Tips for a Professional Finish

If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing right, and that is definitely the key to a professional painting finish.

Here are some handy house painting tips to get you started.

1. Preparation is the Key

Preparation is a crucial step in any DIY painting project at home. It sets the foundation for a successful paint job and significantly impacts the final result.

Here are some reasons why preparation is important when doing DIY painting at home

Properly prepare the surface by cleaning it thoroughly, removing dirt, debris, and loose paint.

Sand rough areas and fill any holes or cracks to ensure a smooth painting surface.

If you want your house painting project to turn out beautifully, there are a few steps that should be taken prior to hiring professional painters. Planning will save both time and money over the course of its execution.

One of the key steps in preparation for interior painting is clearing away items from a room that might hinder their efforts – this may include furniture, wall hangings and any other objects which could obstruct painter work.

  • Surface Condition: Properly preparing the surface before painting ensures that the paint adheres well and results in a smooth and even finish. It involves cleaning the surface to remove dirt, dust, and debris, repairing any cracks or holes, and sanding rough areas. This creates an ideal surface for the paint to adhere to and helps prevent peeling, chipping, or uneven coverage.
  • Paint Adhesion: Paint needs a clean and properly prepared surface to adhere to. Without proper preparation, paint may not adhere properly, leading to paint failure and a shortened lifespan of the paint job. Proper surface preparation helps the paint bond effectively to the surface, ensuring a durable and long-lasting finish.
  • Paint Durability: A well-prepared surface helps in achieving better paint durability. It prevents the paint from peeling, cracking, or blistering due to factors such as moisture, temperature changes, and wear and tear. Proper preparation helps the paint to withstand the test of time and enhances its longevity. DO NOT BUY CHEAP PAINT, you will regret it and the job will take twice as long.
  • Professional Appearance: Proper preparation sets the stage for a professional-looking paint job. It ensures that the paint goes on smoothly, without streaks, lumps, or bumps, and results in a smooth and even finish. It also allows for better coverage and colour consistency, creating a visually pleasing appearance.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Proper surface preparation helps in avoiding potential issues such as paint failures or the need for repaints, which can result in additional time and cost. Investing time and effort in thorough surface preparation upfront can save you from costly mistakes in the long run.

In summary, proper surface preparation is crucial for a successful DIY painting project at home.

It promotes paint adhesion, enhances paint durability, ensures a professional appearance, and can save time and cost in the long run.

Taking the time to properly prepare the surface before painting is a worthwhile step that can significantly impact the quality and longevity of the paint job.

2. Leave Plenty of Time for the Walls to Dry

Be it interior or exterior walls, when painting it’s important to allow enough time for drying. Otherwise the paint won’t adhere well and could possibly run down your walls!

Water damage requires immediate action to minimize further complications, so fans are an invaluable way to control airflow around the affected areas and manage air flow around them.

Exterior paint will, in general, take longer to dry than interior paint.

The time of year also plays a part. Paint will dry quicker in warmer weather than when it is cold. Bear in mind when it is very hot, paint may dry too quickly, leaving a poor finish on the wall.


painting a wall

The ideal time of year for house painting can vary depending on several factors, such as the climate in your region, the type of painting project, and the specific requirements of your paint job.

However, some general guidelines for the best time of year to do house painting are:

  • Spring and Autumn (“Fall” in USA): Many professional painters consider spring and autumn to be the best times for exterior house painting. During these seasons, temperatures are usually moderate, and humidity levels tend to be lower, providing optimal conditions for paint to dry and cure properly. Additionally, in many regions, spring and autumn offer milder weather with less extreme temperatures, making it comfortable for painters to work and ensuring that paint can dry evenly without being exposed to harsh conditions.
  • Avoid Extreme Weather: It’s generally best to avoid painting during extreme weather conditions, such as during the hot summer months or during freezing winter temperatures. High heat and humidity can cause paint to dry too quickly, leading to poor adhesion and potential paint failures. On the other hand, very low temperatures can hinder proper drying and curing of paint, resulting in a less durable finish.
  • Consider Rainfall: Rain can be detrimental to fresh paint, so it’s important to choose a time of year with minimal rainfall for your painting project. If you’re painting the exterior of your house, choose a time of year with lower chances of rain, so the paint has enough time to dry and cure properly without being washed away or damaged by moisture.
  • Consider Indoor Painting: For interior house painting projects, the time of year is not as critical, as you can control the indoor environment regardless of the weather outside. However, it’s still important to ensure proper ventilation and airflow during painting to allow for paint fumes to dissipate and to promote proper drying and curing of the paint.
  • Consider Your Schedule: Finally, consider your own schedule and availability. Choose a time of year when you have enough time to properly prepare the surfaces, apply the paint, and allow it to dry and cure before any potential events or gatherings that may cause wear and tear on the newly painted surfaces. This also gives time for the paint smell to go away.

In summary, the best time of year for house painting depends on factors such as climate, type of painting project, and your specific requirements.

Generally, spring and autumn offer favourable conditions for exterior painting, while indoor painting can be done year-round with proper ventilation.

Consider the weather, your schedule, and other project-specific factors when determining the best time for your house painting project.

The middle of winter is generally not a good time to undertake any exterior house painting, however the experts at NEVER PAINT AGAIN (yes, us) actually CAN paint the exterior of your home in the winter.


Well, unlike a decorator, we do not use water based paints, we use resin based exterior wall coatings, which can be applied in temperatures as low as minus 5 degrees, so if you want your house painted in the winter, give us a call on 0800 970 4928

the effect rain has on your walls

3. Don’t Skip the Undercoat

Carefully prepping your walls before painting can make a tremendous difference in making your house look and feel brand new, yet on budget and on schedule.

However, for optimal results consider hiring professional painters – this will allow you to focus on what matters most in your home!

Also do not be conned into buying “one-coat gloss” as the results will be poor.

4. Don’t Skip the Primer

Sometimes, especially with rough or damaged wall surfaces, a primer and an undercoat is needed.

With external painting, a stabiliser coat is often needed for a good overall finish.

Apply a primer before painting to improve paint adhesion, enhance durability, and provide a uniform base for the topcoat. Choose a primer that is compatible with the type of paint being used

Primer is an essential step in any successful paint job. It seals surfaces, masks stains, and deepens paint colours while simultaneously protecting surfaces against potential leaks or spills.

Primers are composed of pigments and binding agents; some varieties are oil-based while others can be water-based.

These differences are essential because they determine how your paint adheres to a surface. Some primers possess stronger adhesive properties and seal better, helping ensure more durable finishes.

house painting

Primer and undercoat play critical roles in achieving a successful paint job on walls. They are important for several reasons:

  • Adhesion: Primer and undercoat promote good adhesion of the paint to the wall surface. They provide a bonding layer that helps the paint adhere effectively to the wall, ensuring that it does not peel, crack, or blister over time. Primer and undercoat create a solid foundation for the paint to adhere to, resulting in a durable and long-lasting finish.
  • Coverage: Primer and undercoat help in achieving better coverage and colour consistency. They provide an even base coat that allows the paint to go on smoothly and uniformly, reducing the chances of streaks, patches, or uneven colour. This helps achieve a more visually appealing and professional-looking finish.
  • Sealing: Primer and undercoat can seal porous surfaces, such as bare drywall or previously painted walls, preventing the paint from soaking into the surface and reducing paint absorption. This helps in achieving better coverage with fewer coats of paint and can save time and money.
  • Stain Blocking: Primer and undercoat can block stains, such as water stains, smoke stains, or ink stains, from bleeding through the paint. This helps prevent the stains from showing through the paint, ensuring a clean and flawless finish. A stain blocker however will not cure damp so if your house suffers from damp, get a professional in to cure the issue.
  • Surface Preparation: Primer and undercoat are often used as part of the surface preparation process. They can help in preparing the surface by filling small cracks, smoothing out rough spots, and providing a consistent base for the paint. This helps create a smooth and even surface for the paint to adhere to, resulting in a professional-looking finish.
  • Paint Adhesion and Durability: Primer and undercoat can enhance the adhesion and durability of the paint job. They can help the paint withstand environmental factors such as moisture, temperature changes, and wear and tear, ensuring a longer-lasting paint finish.

In summary, primer and undercoat are essential for achieving a successful paint job on walls. They promote paint adhesion, coverage, colour consistency, and durability, while also providing stain blocking and surface preparation benefits.

Including primer and undercoat as part of your painting process can greatly contribute to a high-quality and long-lasting paint finish on your walls.

5. Don’t Skip the Prep Work

Prep work is an integral component of professional house painting services, and will ensure your walls will be smooth and ready for paint application.

Prepping is also crucial for making sure that paint adheres properly and lasts longer, and skipping this step could result in uneven drying or flaking prematurely. Imagine working hard on a paint job for it only to be ruined and took terrible?

If this happens, maybe time to call a professional decorator in?

Paint in optimal weather conditions, typically when the temperature is between 50°F (10 degrees Celsius) and 90°F (30 degrees Celsius) with low humidity. Avoid painting in direct sunlight or on rainy or windy days.

Preparation work is crucial for achieving a high-quality and long-lasting painting job.

It lays the foundation for a successful paint job and ensures that the paint adheres properly to the surface, resulting in a smooth and durable finish.

Here are some reasons why preparation work is essential for a good painting job:

  • Surface Condition: Proper surface preparation ensures that the surface to be painted is clean, smooth, and free of dust, dirt, grease, and other contaminants. This allows the paint to adhere properly to the surface, reducing the risk of peeling, cracking, or blistering of the paint in the future.
  • Paint Adhesion: Surface preparation helps create a bond between the paint and the surface, allowing the paint to adhere effectively. This helps the paint to stick to the surface and prevents it from easily chipping or flaking off over time, ensuring a long-lasting finish.
  • Smooth Finish: Preparation work, such as sanding, filling cracks or holes, and priming, helps create a smooth surface for the paint to be applied. This results in a professional-looking finish with even colour and a smooth texture, enhancing the overall appearance of the painted surface.
  • Durability: Proper surface preparation increases the durability of the paint job. It helps the paint withstand environmental factors such as moisture, temperature changes, and wear and tear, ensuring that the paint maintains its integrity and appearance for a longer period of time.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Although surface preparation may require some extra time and effort upfront, it can save time and costs in the long run. Properly preparing the surface helps prevent issues such as paint failures, uneven colour, or peeling, which may require costly and time-consuming repairs in the future.
  • Paint Performance: Surface preparation also ensures that the paint performs at its best. When the surface is properly prepared, the paint can achieve its optimal coverage, colour consistency, and durability, resulting in a high-quality paint job that lasts for years.

In summary, proper surface preparation is essential for a good painting job. It ensures that the paint adheres properly to the surface, creates a smooth finish, enhances paint durability, and saves time and costs in the long run.

Investing time and effort in thorough surface preparation is critical for achieving a professional-looking and long-lasting paint finish.

paint swatches and brushes

6. Don’t Skip the Cleaning

Most paint manufacturers agree that washing your walls before painting day is an integral step to getting ready.

A solution of lukewarm water and mild detergent will effectively rid them of dirt, grime, cobwebs and other particles which might obstruct their painting efforts.

When it comes to cleaning walls, the key to success lies in taking it slowly and using products tailored specifically for this task.

Clean as You Go: Clean brushes, rollers, and other painting tools thoroughly after each use to maintain their performance and prolong their lifespan.

Cleaning of brushes, tools, and the work area is an important aspect of painting and decorating at home.

Here are some reasons why cleaning is crucial during the painting process:


Quality of Work: Clean brushes and tools are essential for achieving a high-quality paint finish. Paint brushes that are caked with dried paint or other debris can result in streaks, clumps, or uneven application of paint, which can affect the final appearance of the painted surface. Clean tools ensure that the paint is applied smoothly and evenly, resulting in a professional-looking finish.

TIP: Do not buy cheap brushes from a pound shop. It’s a false economy, the job will take longer and cheap brushes will shed hairs onto your paint, which can not only look bad, but very difficult to remove without ruining your freshly painted surface.

Paint Colour Consistency: Dirty brushes or tools can contaminate the paint and affect the colour consistency. Paint that is mixed with dried paint flakes or debris from dirty brushes can result in uneven colour application and affect the overall appearance of the painted surface. Keeping brushes and tools clean helps maintain the integrity of the paint colour and ensures consistent results.

Durability of Brushes and Tools: Regular cleaning of brushes and tools helps extend their lifespan. Dried paint or other debris left on brushes or tools can harden and damage the bristles or other parts, reducing their effectiveness and durability.

Proper cleaning after each use helps maintain the brushes and tools in good condition, allowing them to be reused for future painting projects.

Efficiency of Work: Cleaning the work area, including the walls, floors, and other surfaces, helps ensure an efficient painting process. A clean work area provides a smooth and clean surface for paint application, minimizing the chances of debris or dirt getting mixed with the paint.

It also helps prevent paint splatters or spills from sticking to unwanted areas, saving time and effort in clean-up after the painting is complete.

Health and Safety: Cleaning of brushes, tools, and the work area is important for health and safety reasons. Paint residues and fumes can be harmful if ingested or inhaled, and dirty brushes or tools can harbour bacteria or other contaminants.

Keeping brushes, tools, and the work area clean helps maintain a healthy and safe environment for the painter and other occupants of the home.

In summary, cleaning of brushes, tools, and the work area is important for achieving a high-quality paint finish, maintaining paint colour consistency, extending the lifespan of brushes and tools, ensuring an efficient painting process, and promoting health and safety.

Incorporating proper cleaning practices as part of your painting and decorating routine can help you achieve professional-looking results and ensure a successful painting project.

7. Don’t Skip the Staining

Staining is an excellent way to keep the wood features of your home looking their best.

Stain gives the surface an authentic and less artificial appearance than paint, without chipping or peeling like other forms of decoration may.

Staining can be challenging to master and you must take certain precautions prior to beginning.

Sanding too much, not utilizing appropriate grits, and other factors may hinder your efforts to create an even coat of stain.

  • Choose the Right Stain: There are various types of wood stains available, such as oil-based stains, water-based stains, gel stains, and more. Choose the one that suits your needs and the type of wood you’re staining.
  • Prepare the Wood Surface: Proper preparation is crucial for a successful staining project. Clean the wood surface thoroughly to remove any dirt, dust, or debris. Sand the wood surface to smooth out rough spots and create a clean, even surface for the stain to adhere to.
  • Test the Stain: Before applying the stain to the entire wood surface, it’s always a good idea to do a test on a small, inconspicuous area to ensure you achieve the desired color and finish.
  • Apply the Stain Evenly: Use a brush, rag, or sprayer to apply the stain in long, even strokes, following the wood’s grain. Avoid leaving any drips, puddles, or streaks. Wipe off excess stain with a clean cloth to prevent uneven staining or blotches.
  • Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions: Read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the stain can for best results. Pay attention to recommended drying times, application techniques, and safety precautions.
  • Allow for Adequate Drying Time: Let the stain dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions before applying any sealant or protective coating. Avoid touching or moving the stained wood until it’s fully dry to prevent smudging or damaging the finish.
  • Consider Weather Conditions: If you’re staining wood outdoors, consider weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, and wind. Choose a day with mild weather and avoid staining in direct sunlight or when rain is expected.
  • Apply a Sealer or Finish: Once the stain is dry, consider applying a sealer or finish to protect the wood and enhance its durability. Choose a sealer or finish that’s compatible with the type of stain you used, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.
  • Clean Up Properly: Clean your brushes, rags, and other tools with the appropriate cleaning materials as per the stain type you used. Dispose of any leftover stain or debris according to local regulations.
  • Follow Safety Precautions: Always wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), such as gloves, goggles, and a mask, when working with wood stains. Work in a well-ventilated area and avoid open flames or sparks, as some wood stains are flammable.

Remember, staining wood requires careful preparation, application, and attention to detail. By following these tips, you can achieve a beautiful and professional-looking wood stain finish for your home projects.

8. Don’t Skip the Dust sheets

Dust sheets, sometimes known as Drop cloths are one of the most essential elements of preparation work. They protect surfaces such as floors, countertops and furniture from paint splatters and drips while painting.

Professional painters prefer canvas drop cloths due to their thick and absorbent properties; however, plastic sheets can also serve as effective options.

The use of dust sheets or drop cloths is essential when painting to protect surfaces from paint splatters, spills, and drips, and to minimize the risk of damage to floors, furniture, and other items in the vicinity.

Here are some reasons why dust sheets or drop cloths are important during the painting process:

  • Surface Protection: Dust sheets or drop cloths provide a protective barrier between the painted surface and potential paint drips, spills, or splatters. They prevent paint from seeping through and staining or damaging floors, carpets, furniture, or other surfaces, ensuring that they remain clean and undamaged during the painting process.
  • Time and Effort Savings: Using dust sheets or drop cloths can save time and effort in cleaning up after the painting is complete. Instead of spending additional time and effort scrubbing or removing paint stains or spills from surfaces, simply removing the dust sheets or drop cloths can help streamline the clean-up process and save valuable time.
  • Cost Savings: Dust sheets or drop cloths can also help save costs by preventing potential damage to surfaces or items in the vicinity. Repairing or replacing damaged surfaces or items due to paint spills or stains can be costly, and using dust sheets or drop cloths as a preventive measure can help avoid these expenses.
  • Professional-Looking Results: Using dust sheets or drop cloths helps achieve a professional-looking paint job. Paint splatters, spills, or drips on surfaces can mar the overall appearance of the painted area, resulting in an unprofessional finish. Dust sheets or drop cloths help keep the work area clean and tidy, ensuring a neat and professional-looking paint job.
  • Safety: Dust sheets or drop cloths also contribute to safety during the painting process. Paint spills or drips on the floor or other surfaces can create slip hazards, leading to accidents or injuries. Using dust sheets or drop cloths helps prevent such accidents and promotes a safe working environment.

In summary, the use of dust sheets or drop cloths is important during the painting process to protect surfaces, save time and effort in cleaning, reduce costs, achieve professional-looking results, and promote safety.

Incorporating dust sheets or drop cloths as part of your painting routine is a wise practice to ensure a successful and well-protected painting project.

The last thing you want when you have finished painting a room is to have to replace your carpet due to paint stains!

house painting

9. Don’t Skip the method.

Painting can be an extensive project that takes considerable time and preparation work, including moving furniture and taking down wall décor.

Professional painters know how to complete the preparation work efficiently and quickly, saving both time and ensuring that your home is painted appropriately.

Use proper painting techniques such as cutting in along edges and corners with a brush before using a roller for larger areas.

Apply paint evenly with smooth strokes and avoid leaving brush or roller marks.

Apply multiple coats of paint for better coverage and durability. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying time between coats.

Pay Attention to Details: Take time to properly paint edges, corners, and trim for a polished and professional look. Use painter’s tape for clean lines and crisp edges.

10. Don’t Skip the Finishing Touches

Finishing touches are integral components of home painting projects, whether done yourself or hired professionally. They make any room feel polished, add depth, or stand out among competitors’ designs.

Finishing touches are essential in any home painting project, especially interior ones. By having these details in place, the job will run more smoothly and will help ensure your house remains beautiful for years to come.

By following these essential tips, you can achieve a professional-looking house painting job that will enhance the appearance and value of your home.

When finishing off a decorating or painting job, it’s important to pay attention to the final details to ensure a polished and professional-looking result. Here are some recommended finishing touches that you should consider:

  • Clean and tidy: After the painting is complete, thoroughly clean and tidy the entire area. Remove any paint splatters, drips, or debris from surfaces, floors, and furniture. Vacuum or sweep the floor, and wipe down surfaces to ensure a clean and tidy appearance.
  • Touch-up and fix imperfections: Inspect the painted surface for any missed spots, streaks, or imperfections. Use a small brush or roller to touch-up any areas that need additional coverage. Fix any visible imperfections, such as dents, holes, or cracks in the walls, before applying touch-up paint.
  • Remove painter’s tape: If you used painter’s tape (masking tape) to mask off areas before painting, carefully remove it once the paint is dry. Peel off the tape at a 45-degree angle to avoid peeling off the fresh paint. This will help create clean and crisp paint lines.
  • Clean and organise tools: Clean and properly store all brushes, rollers, trays, and other painting tools. Remove dried paint from brushes and rollers and wash them thoroughly with water or the appropriate cleaning solution. Properly store the tools in a dry and cool place for future use.
  • Reinstall fixtures and furniture: If you removed fixtures, switch plates, or furniture before painting, reinstall them once the paint is dry. Make sure everything is properly aligned and securely fastened.
  • Inspect and address any issues: Take a close look at the entire painted area to identify any remaining issues, such as paint drips, smudges, or uneven lines. Address them promptly to ensure a flawless finish.
  • Clean up and dispose of waste: Dispose of paint cans, brushes, rollers, and other used materials according to local regulations. Clean up the work area, including dust sheets or drop cloths, plastic coverings, and other protective materials, and dispose of them properly. DO NOT POUR PAINT DOWN THE DRAINS.
  • Final inspection: Once everything is in place and cleaned up, conduct a final inspection of the painted area to ensure that it meets your satisfaction. Make any necessary touch-ups or corrections as needed.

So, are you happy with your painting job? If not, you didn’t read our advice above.

By paying attention to these finishing touches, you can achieve a professional-looking result and ensure that your painting or decorating job is completed to a high standard.

Opened Paint Cans

Taking the time to properly finish off the project will leave you with a beautiful and well-polished end result that you can be proud of.

Remember if you not experiences at painting, you could end up making mistakes but that is how we learn.

When I started painting back in 1986 (OMG that is SO long ago) I made plenty of mistakes, however as I was apprenticed to my Dad, I soon learned the right way and the wrong way to paint a house. Experience is the key.

If you do not have experience, it is often best left to a tradesman to do the work.

Most of the above information is related to INTERIOR painting, however exterior house painting is a whole different ball game and is not as easy as you may think.

How to get your house exterior painted.

Front of house from different angle after exterior wall coating

That is by far the easiest tip on this page!

Painting the outside of your house by yourself is fraught with problems, and danger too.

It is not easy to paint outside, especially considering that you will have to go up ladders, maybe 20 feet up into the air. This is often the source of hospital admissions during holiday periods. The weather is also something to consider when painting outside.

Interior painting is a job that most people with a bit of common sense and purpose can do anytime, but outside its a whole different ball game.

To get the exterior of your house repaired and painted professionally, with an exterior wall coating which will not only last you upwards of 20 years, it will not fade, peel, chip or crack, will lower heating bills, and will also stop damp, email the team today by clicking here.

You can also call them (Monday to Saturday) on 0800 970 4928

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Happy painting and decorating!

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